[Air-L] Reminder: Call for participation, due Feb 28

Potter, Abigail abpo at loc.gov
Thu Feb 16 10:02:16 PST 2012

The deadline for submitting a presentation is one week from today, February 28, 2012. See the call below and let me know if you have any questions. -Abbey

The Broad Value of Web Archives: Demonstrated Use

Libraries, archives, and other organizations have been systematically collecting web archives for over 10 years, namely in the service of cultural heritage. Content archived from the web has a multitude of uses. Commercial web archiving services are emerging to meet legal and business requirements. Data is scraped from the web and analyzed for media or academic research. Any topic can be studied on the internet and content published on the web in any given day is a unique reflection of the world.

Experts from around the world will gather in Washington, DC on April 30, 2012 to hold an open conference to explore the broad value of web archives. The conference is sponsored by the International Internet Preservation Consortium, which is holding its General Assembly at the Library of Congress.

The IIPC is seeking presentations from a wide variety of organizations from sectors that are saving and using archival content from the web. The goal is to expose the audience to how rich and valuable the web is as a resource and reveal some unexpected uses for web archives. Possible topics include:

 *   web archives used in legal discovery or for legal compliance
 *   web archives in personal collections, i.e. personal archiving
 *   web archives used in data mining
 *   web archives for legal deposit
 *   web archives used in corporate or organizational archives
 *   web archives used for game or community preservation
 *   citizen archivists and crowdsourcing for web archives
 *   projects that use old web content that was not harvested through Heritrix

If you are interested in participating in this conference, please send a short paragraph or two describing the project you would like to present to Abigail Potter, IIPC Communications Officer, abpo at loc.gov<mailto:abpo at loc.gov> by February 28, 2012. The agenda for the conference will be announced by March 15, 2012.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Abigail at the above email address.  The conference schedule overview is available<http://netpreserve.org/events/2012ga.php>.

Abigail Potter
Communications Officer, IIPC
Program Officer, NDIIPP
Library of Congress
abpo at loc.gov

ph. +202-707-7371

101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-1310

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