[Air-L] using social media short course

Tim Muntinga munt.tim at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 13:09:55 PST 2012


As your course has a rather applied focus, the students might benefit from
a (partial) case study approach. Depending on the demographics of your
class, blending these case studies with academic literature helps to
further combine theory with practice.

I noticed before the enthusiasm students have exploring applied cases by
means of discussion and analytical argumentation construction. Previously I
used these case studies in helping senior-level marketing managers
understand contemporary issues related to digital marketing -- application
in executive education is helpful. A great starting point for understanding
the case method is: http://www.hbs.edu/teaching/case-method-in-practice/.

For instance, take a look at the HBS Higher Education resources (also
include case studies from other universities/business schools, e.g.
Stanford, INSEAD and the University of Hong Kong). Many include also
teaching notes or blackboard plans.  Try to blend in the insights and key
learnings of each case with the background / discipline diversity.

A few examples you might want to explore:

   - *Negative impact of social media related to viral effects *(recommended!):

   - *Social Media in the Presidential Election of Barack Obama:*
   - *Meteor Solutions: Measuring the Value of Social Media Marketing: **
   - *Customers' Revenge (fictional case study - merging the corporate
   implications of misusing social media): *
   - *Evaluating Social Media campaigns (Ford Fiesta)*


   - *Coca Cola on Facebook: *
   - *MySpace *(more a corporate exploration "inside-out understanding"):
   - *UnME Jeans: Branding in Web 2.0: *
   - *Facebook *(more a corporate exploration, see also (A) and (B))*:*
   - *Digital Marketing in the Music Industry: *
   - *Customers' Revenge ((fictional case study - merging the corporate
   implications of misusing social media): *
   - *Swimming in the Virtual Community Pool with PlentyofFish:*
   - *Sephora Direct: Investing in Social Media, Video, and Mobile: *
   - *Cisco Systems: *

Good luck with the intersession course,


2012/2/20 Holly Kruse <holly.kruse at gmail.com>

> I'm teaching a two-week long intersession short course called "Using
> Social Media" during spring intersession, and I'd love some ideas for
> assignments and topics to cover. It's not an online course. I've
> taught much more theoretical, historical, etc. semester-long courses
> on digital media/CMC, but this class is meant to be quite applied. I'm
> having the students read Nancy Baym's Personal Connections in the
> Internet Age and Clay Shirky's Here Comes Everybody, and the students
> will write a paper, but I need to fill three hours a day for two
> weeks, so any suggestions are most welcome!
> Thanks,
> Holly
> ----
> Holly Kruse.
> Department of Communications
> Rogers State University
> 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
> Claremore, OK 74017
> 918-343-7879
> hkruse at rsu.edu or DrKruseRSU at gmail.com
> http://hollykruse.com or http://www.rsu.edu/academics/comm/kruse.asp
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