[Air-L] using social media short course

simon collister simon_collister at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 20 13:22:29 PST 2012

hi Holly

Again, depending on the specifics and scope of your course I have blended theory/practice by having students learn how to create basic Wordpress blogs; write blogposts; understand hwo to embed content; post comments, etc, etc.

In addition, as courses have tended to have a PR/marketing focus we also dive into social media searching/text-mining to identify influential communities and undertake content analyses, etc etc

I tend to run this type of course in a computer lab - but given how many students have personal laptops it's probably equally as feasible in a standard classroom.

hope that helps :)

www.simoncollister.com | http://twitter.com/simoncollister

> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:12:48 -0600
> From: holly.kruse at gmail.com
> To: air-l at aoir.org
> Subject: [Air-L] using social media short course
> I'm teaching a two-week long intersession short course called "Using
> Social Media" during spring intersession, and I'd love some ideas for
> assignments and topics to cover. It's not an online course. I've
> taught much more theoretical, historical, etc. semester-long courses
> on digital media/CMC, but this class is meant to be quite applied. I'm
> having the students read Nancy Baym's Personal Connections in the
> Internet Age and Clay Shirky's Here Comes Everybody, and the students
> will write a paper, but I need to fill three hours a day for two
> weeks, so any suggestions are most welcome!
> Thanks,
> Holly
> ----
> Holly Kruse.
> Department of Communications
> Rogers State University
> 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd.
> Claremore, OK 74017
> 918-343-7879
> hkruse at rsu.edu or DrKruseRSU at gmail.com
> http://hollykruse.com or http://www.rsu.edu/academics/comm/kruse.asp
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