[Air-L] CFP: CSCW 2015 Workshop on Feminism and Feminist Approaches in Social Media

Ingrid Erickson ierick at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 14:50:17 PST 2014

CSCW 2015 workshop on
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Submission Deadline: November 21, 2015 @ 5PM EDT
Workshop website: http://www.stephaniesteinhardt.com/feministcscw/

We invite participants interested in feminist perspectives in social 
computing and technology to join us for a pre-conference workshop at 
CSCW 2015. We will explore literature and empirical studies to build a 
set of creative dialogues around the topics of diversity, sexual 
orientation, cultural attitudes, sociopolitical affiliations, and other 
emergent themes. Conversations will be directed toward the challenges of 
using a feminist approach in CSCW scholarship, fueled in particular by 
the following generative questions:

  * How do the concerns of feminism and queer studies align with the
    central concerns of CSCW?
  * How can we pragmatically employ feminist reflexivity to understand
    current CSCW interests in mobile development, big data, and social
    media, or distributed practices?
  * How might we better represent our technological innovations and
    mediated collaborations through feminist and queer studies approaches?
  * What are the gaps that feminist perspectives can fill for CSCW
  * How can we employ feminist perspectives to consider the nature of
    both work and leisure life?
  * How can feminist approaches be used to identify and legitimize
    different forms of work central to CSCW concern? 

We hope to unpack the unifying threads connecting the many 
epistemological approaches across disciplines, field sites, theoretical 
contributions, and methodologies that employ the term "feminism" for 
studies of technology and collaboration.

Application Procedure
If you are interested in joining us, please submit a position paper 
(1000-word limit) that includes:

 1. A vignette or anecdote from your work or from existing literature
    that illustrates your opinion on the purchase or challenge of a
    feminist approach.
 2. Three (3) or more relevant references annotated to generate
    discussion on feminist approaches in CSCW.
 3. Author biography including current research or potential goals of

All proposals must be submitted in English. Papers will be selected via 
blind review based both on quality as well as breadth of perspective in 
order to ensure a broad conversation on gender. Accepted position papers 
will be circulated within the participant group prior to the workshop 
and made available post hoc on the workshop website (with permission).

SUBMISSIONS and questions may be emailed to feministcscw-l at cornell.edu 
<mailto:feministcscw-l at cornell.edu>

Important Dates
Submissions due: Nov 21 5pm EDT
Acceptances announced: Dec 15, 2014
Workshop date: March 15, 2015

Thank you!
Stephanie B. Steinhardt, Cornell University
Amanda Menking, University of Washington
Ingrid Erickson, Rutgers University
Andrea Marshall, Drexel University
Asta Zelenkauskaite, Drexel University
Jennifer Rode, Drexel University

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