[Air-L] FW: WKWSCI-Singapore Faculty Search - Full Professor: Information and Communication Technologies and Social Life

Randy Kluver rkluver at tamu.edu
Tue Nov 25 15:07:44 PST 2014

Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you that the School has a position opening for Full Professor: Information and Communication Technologies and Social Life. We have advertised the job ad in the following mediums. We will appreciate it if you could help to broadcast this search by sharing it with your personal and professional network.
 Full Professor in Information and Communication Technologies and Social Life
Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is the fastest-rising university in the world's Top 50 and ranked 39th globally. NTU is also placed 1st amongst the world's best young universities while its Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information ranks 6th internationally among communication and media programmes. The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information seeks a Full Professor with a strong record of high-quality research published in leading journals and a commitment to mentoring the next generation of communication and information scholars.
We are casting a broad net, looking first and foremost for an outstanding scholar to join our dynamic faculty. The ideal candidate has an active research programme in or closely related to the study of information and communication technology (ICT) in online relationships, technology-assisted education, online marketing, organisational communication, knowledge management, ambient intelligence, and/or digital law and ethics.
The Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information is a vibrant global leader in communication and information research and education.  Recent hires and a high level of support reaffirm the School's pre-eminence in the disciplines under its aegis. Singapore is a vibrant cosmopolitan city/state with good weather, low crime, rich cultural attractions, exceptional food, and proximity to numerous points of interest in Southeast Asia.
Emoluments and General Terms and Conditions of Service
Salary will be competitive and will commensurate with qualifications and experience. NTU Singapore offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package. Information on emoluments and general terms and conditions of service is available in the section on Terms and Conditions <http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ohr/CareerOpportunities/TermsandConditions/Pages/FacultyPositions.aspx> of Service for Academic Appointments.
Application Procedure
To apply, please refer to the Guidelines for submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ohr/CareerOpportunities/SubmitanApplication/Pages/FacultyPositions.aspx) and send your application package [consisting of cover letter, curriculum vitae, personal particulars form, a statement of current and future research interest, selected publications, and the names of 5 referees] by 31 December 2014 to:
The Search Committee
Nanyang Technological University
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
31 Nanyang Link, WKWSCI Building
Singapore 637718
Email: faculty-recruit at ntu.edu.sg<mailto:faculty-recruit at ntu.edu.sg>
Applications sent via email should include the reference "Application for Professor in ICT and Social Life" in the subject line. Enquiries about the position can be addressed to the above email.
Initial review of applications will begin in mid-December 2014 and applications must be received by 31 December 2014. The candidate is expected to start work in July 2015. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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