[Air-L] ​Online research Methods Book

Nathan Fields (Nth BarFields) nth_fields at yahoo.com
Mon May 9 17:23:41 PDT 2016

 By all means, promote away, if it applies!  I'm looking into transitioning from solving Innocentive Challenges from part time to full time, so I really need to sharpen my online research skills to tackle that box of chocolates called their challenge list. 
InnoCentive - Challenge Browser

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InnoCentive - Challenge Browser
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 Nathan Fields (Nth Bar-Fields)
nth at elysiantrust.org
nth at findmegroup.org
Skype ID  nth.barfields

"In the absence of rigorous discipline and vigilance, smart can open the door to intellectual laziness, which leads to relying on sophistic arguments and straw men to play roles better filled by critical thinking and logic.  Being smart is no defense against being stupid."--Vincent White. 

      From: "Janet Salmons, Ph.D." <jsalmons at vision2lead.com>
 To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org 
 Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 5:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [Air-L] ​Online research Methods Book

​Pardon the self-promotion, but my new textbook from SAGE, *Doing
Qualitative Research Online
is available.​ Here is a short intro: https://youtu.be/fiG3Fi9ftxg. This
book covers a wide range of approaches, from using extant data, to
interviews and participant observation, to arts-based methods and

The companion website is not online yet-- but it will include 16 media
pieces, open-access to articles that accompany each chapter, as well as
extensive materials for instructors. I am still scheduling a few more stops
on the
 offering a virtual book tour
<http://vision2lead.com/2016/04/the-virtual-book-tour-takes-off/>, so if
that interests you, contact me off list.

My previous book (2015), *Qualitative Online Interviews
*not surprisingly, focuses on interviews of all kinds. It also explores
online observations that accompany interviews. Here is a YouTube intro:
http://bit.ly/1QWOLis. The companion site is online for this book, so you
can find syllabi and instructional materials.

Both books focus on visual methods and on research ethics. Here is a
discount coupon that works for both books: http://bit.ly/1QWOyvE.

Happy teaching and researching!


*Janet Salmons PhD*

Indie Translational Scholar @ Vision2Lead
Dissertation Chair: Walden University, PhD in Educational Technology

Chair, Academy of Management Ethics Education Committee

Site- http://www.vision2lead.com

Follow Twitter @einterview

Boulder, CO 80306-0943
jsalmons at vision2lead.com
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