[Air-L] Call for special issue proposals

Harrison, Teresa M tharrison at albany.edu
Wed Oct 23 18:51:02 PDT 2019

Call for Special Issues

The Electronic Journal of Communication (EJC) is seeking proposals for special issues edited by scholars on a variety of topics addressing human communication, including, but not limited to:  electronic, digital, or social media scholarship; communication studies; journalism; information science; human-computer interaction; or related fields of study.

EJC has focused for over 20 years on developing thematic issues that address innovative or niche topics, research methods, or pedagogical interests with the goals of highlighting emerging scholarship and directing attention to compelling topics. Recent issues have addressed the rise of digital visuals in communication scholarship; discourse and materiality in risk, crisis, emergency, and disaster; and the impact of digital technology on relationship development.   For further information about the kinds of themes around which issues have been built in the past, please see:  http://www.cios.org/www/ejcmain.htm .  Editors of EJC issues commit to double blind review of manuscripts. The acceptance rate for manuscripts submitted to EJC’s special issues has been approximately 50% or less.

Proposals for special issues consist of:

--A brief description of the topic, theme, or area of interest to be addressed by the issue

--A brief explanation of its significance or importance
--Any further information that would help illuminate the particular perspective taken in the proposed issue
 --CV for the proposed editor (individuals may also choose to co-edit)

Please send proposals, indications of interest,  and/or questions for further discussion to:
Teresa M. Harrison
Managing Editor, EJC
Professor, Department of Communication
Faculty Fellow, Center for Technology in Government
University at Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY 12222
tharrison at albany.edu<mailto:tharrison at albany.edu>, @tmaharrison

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