[Air-L] Cross-cultural digital religion in the age of corona?

Charles M. Ess c.m.ess at media.uio.no
Sat Mar 28 02:33:05 PDT 2020

Hi Mark & colleagues,

Just to say thanks for this - most helpful and interesting, however 
deeply distressing the topics.

Thanks as well to Sally for an off-list exchange which helped clarify 
some of my misunderstandings regarding her initial suggestions.

Will keep you posted off-list of whatever we find out.

Again, many thanks and all best,
- c.

On 25/03/2020 17:07, Mark D. Johns wrote:
> Charles,
> You are correct that the national news media in the U.S. have not
> given a lot of attention to children, local stations have done so. Two
> network affiliates in our top-20 market have run stories just in the
> past two days:
> https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/video/4492262-your-questions-about-kids-coronavirus-answered/
> https://www.kare11.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/families-figuring-out-coping-techniques-during-social-distancing/89-712b30c1-c10b-48c5-a2f3-bd59e5eb9dad
> and a quick Google search turned up these from other markets:
> https://www.ksla.com/2020/03/23/suffering-silence-covid-increased-risk-child-abuse/
> https://fox6now.com/2020/03/23/texas-hospital-sees-spike-in-severe-child-abuse-cases-possibly-related-to-covid-19-stress/
> Understanding how news media work, I also searched for PR activity
> that may have triggered some of these stories, and discovered this
> from Monday:
> https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/school-closings-due-to-covid-19-present-potential-for-increased-risk-of-child-exploitation
> An interesting line of research. Hope you and Connie are well.
> --
> Mark D. Johns, Ph.D.
> Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies
> at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa USA
> now residing in Minneapolis, MN
> -----------------------------------------------
> "Get the facts first. You can distort them later."
>      ---Mark Twain
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 1:29 AM Charles M. Ess <c.m.ess at media.uio.no> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> On 23/03/2020 11:01, Sally Applin wrote:
>>> You might query Yale’s HRAF ethnography database (if you have access) to
>>> see what non- broadcast traditions are.
>> Thanks much for this - certainly useful, rich and interesting.  I'm not
>> seeing, on first blush at least, much that intersects with Digital
>> Religion.  As interesting and useful as the materials on religion are,
>> "digital" as a search term returns no results. Nor do the terms
>> "Scandinavian," "Denmark," etc.  But will keep poking for all the other
>> goodies to be gleaned.
>>> The broadcast time/ routine may have nothing to do with the material or
>>> even culture and more to do with suddenly being at home.
>> or all of the above.
>> Regrets for not making explicit that yes, most people in Norway and
>> Denmark have been under quarantine and related restrictions for some
>> time, e.g., since March 12 in the Norwegian case.
>> And a fourth data point: in Norwegian coverage of all of these disasters
>> - it is striking that somewhere around the 3rd or 4th prioritized story
>> on national news covers apparently widespread and deep concerns about
>> the welfare of children who are likely susceptible to violence and
>> sexual attack.  Now that schools and kindergartens are closed, these
>> (usually) safe havens for such children are no longer available: what,
>> reporters keep asking, is the government doing to protect these children
>> under the new circumstances?
>> None of my U.S.-based news media, even the most left-wing, etc. seem to
>> mention this.  Please let me know if I'm missing something.
>> Again, many thanks and all best despite it all,
>> - charles
>>> Sally Applin, Ph.D.
>> --
>> Professor in Media Studies
>> Department of Media and Communication
>> University of Oslo
>> <http://www.hf.uio.no/imk/english/people/aca/charlees/index.html>
>> Fellow, Siebold-Collegiums Institute for Advanced Studies,
>> Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
>> Co-chair & Editor, Internet Research Ethics 3.0
>> <https://aoir.org/reports/ethics3.pdf>
>> 3rd edition of Digital Media Ethics now out!
>> <http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9781509533428>
>> Postboks 1093
>> Blindern 0317
>> Oslo, Norway
>> c.m.ess at media.uio.no
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Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo

Fellow, Siebold-Collegiums Institute for Advanced Studies, 
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

Co-chair & Editor, Internet Research Ethics 3.0

3rd edition of Digital Media Ethics now out!

Postboks 1093
Blindern 0317
Oslo, Norway
c.m.ess at media.uio.no

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