[Air-L] Release of First Monday special issue 'Infrastructure-embedded control, circumvention and sovereignty in the Russian Internet'

Francesca Musiani francesca.musiani at gmail.com
Mon May 3 00:53:06 PDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

I am extremely pleased to announce the release of the First Monday special
issue 'Infrastructure-embedded control, circumvention and sovereignty in
the Russian Internet', co-edited by Françoise Daucé and myself. The table
of contents is below and the full issue is available in open access here:
https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/issue/view/693. We are delighted
to mark the 300th issue and the twenty-fifty birthday of First Monday; the
first issue was released on May 6, 1996 in Paris!

Hoping it will be of interest,

Kindest regards


First Monday
Volume 26, Number 5 - 3 May 2021

Special issue on Infrastructure-embedded control, circumvention and
sovereignty in the Russian Internet
co-edited by Francoise Dauce and Francesca Musiani

Infrastructure-embedded control, circumvention and sovereignty in the
Russian Internet: An introduction
by Francoise Dauce and Francesca Musiani

Contextualizing sovereignty: A critical review of competing explanations of
the Internet governance in the (so-called) Russian case
by Polina Kolozaridi and Dmitry Muravyov

Control by infrastructure: Political ambitions meet technical
implementations in RuNet
by Ilona Stadnik

Controlling free expression "by infrastructure" in the Russian Internet:
The consequences of RuNet sovereignization
by Liudmila Sivetc

Mapping the routes of the Internet for geopolitics: The case of Eastern
by Kevin Limonier, Frederick Douzet, Louis Petiniaud, Loqman Salamatian,
and Kave Salamatian

The Telegram ban: How censorship "made in Russia" faces a global Internet
by Ksenia Ermoshina and Francesca Musiani

Codes of conduct for algorithmic news recommendation: The Yandex.News
controversy in Russia
by Francoise Dauce and Benjamin Loveluck

'In Google we trust'? The Internet giant as a subject of contention and
appropriation for the Russian state and civil society
by Olga Bronnikova and Anna Zaytseva

Social media and state repression: The case of VKontakte and the
anti-garbage protest in Shies, in Far Northern Russia
by Perrine Poupin

"Free libraries for the free people": How mass-literature "shadow"
libraries circumvent digital barriers and redefine legality in contemporary
by Bella Ostromooukhova

Francesca Musiani, Ph.D.

Chargée de recherche | Associate Research Professor, CNRS
Directrice adjointe | Deputy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
<https://cis.cnrs.fr> (UPR 2000 & GDR 2091 CNRS)
Chercheuse associée | Associate Researcher, i3-CSI
<http://www.csi.ensmp.fr/>, MINES ParisTech
Global Fellow, Internet Governance Lab <https://internetgovernancelab.org>,
American University

I'm involved in: CPT-IAMCR <https://iamcr.org/s-wg/section/cpt> | Internet
Policy Review <https://policyreview.info> | RESET
<https://journals.openedition.org/reset/> | ISOC France
<https://www.isoc.fr> | ResisTIC <https://www.resistic.org>

On the Web <https://cis.cnrs.fr/francesca-musiani/> | On Twitter

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