[Air-L] 2-yr FT Research Fellow post in digital humanities, oral history, health and migration

Ros Williams r.g.williams at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Nov 17 01:20:16 PST 2022

Dear all,
apologies for cross-posting. Please see below this 2 year opportunity for
somebody with an interest in digital humanities, oral history, and/or
health and migration based at Uni of Leeds, UK.
Please could you circulate information about this 2-year full-time Research
Fellow post (*Making it to the Registers: **Documenting Migrant Carers'
Experiences of Registration and Fitness to Practice*), which we are
currently advertising as part of our AHRC project to anyone who you think
might be interested and to your networks in general?

The PI invites informal inquiries (see below)

ros williams

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marie-Andree Jacob <M.A.Jacob at leeds.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 at 16:21
Subject: 2-yr FT Research Fellow post
To: xx

Dear Vital Circulations people,

Please could you circulate information about this 2-year full-time Research
Fellow post (*Making it to the Registers: **Documenting Migrant Carers'
Experiences of Registration and Fitness to Practice*), which we are
currently advertising as part of our AHRC project to anyone who you think
might be interested and to your networks in general?

Research Fellow in Oral History and Digital Humanities
Location: Leeds - Main Campus: Faculty/Service: Faculty of Social Sciences:
School/Institute: School of Law: Category: Research: Grade: Grade 7 Salary:

They can email Priyasha Saksena (p.saksena at leeds.ac.uk) or me with any
informal inquiries,

Many thanks everyone, looking forward to our meeting in December,



Marie-Andrée Jacob (she/her)

Professor of Law

Director of postgraduate research studies

University of Leeds

m.a.jacob at leeds.ac.uk

Instagram @danceandlaw

*Dr Ros Williams *FHEA
Wellcome Trust Research Fellow - Mix & Match <http://www.mixandmatch.blog/>
Executive Committee | iHuman <http://ihuman.group.shef.ac.uk> institute
Associate Editor | New Genetics and Society
ORCID id <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4295-2582> | @roswillz
+44 (0)114 222 6423 | Sociological Studies, Uni of Sheffield,
Elmfield, Northumberland Rd., S10 2TU

*recent open access publications:*
on media, race and and health: ‘Improving the odds for everybody’:
Narrative and media in stem cell donor recruitment patient appeals, and the
work to redress racial inequity
<https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.13505>, *Sociology
of Health and Illness*
on race and health: “It’s harder for the likes of us”: racially minoritised
stem cell donation as ethico-racial imperative
on digital health: Navigating standards, encouraging interconnections:
infrastructuring digital health platforms
Communication & Society*

*Please note that I often work outside standard working hours - I do not
expect a reply outside your own working hours, and look forward to a
response when you are next in work.*

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