[Air-L] Announcing AoIR2024 • Sheffield • 16-19 October 2024

Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers ac at aoir.org
Thu May 18 07:53:39 PDT 2023

In 2024, we’re going to Sheffield!

The Association of Internet Researchers is pleased to announce that the
AoIR2024 conference will be held in *Sheffield, UK*, on *16-19 October 2024*.
It will be hosted by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam
University, and will take place on the campus of the University of

Sheffield is one of the major cities in the UK, yet 60% of it is green
space. It’s a city that is safe, affordable, creative and welcoming, and
we’re excited to be going back to the UK for the first time since 2012.

The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that this is a break from our
preferred cycle of holding conferences alternating between North America,
Europe, and the ‘Rest of World’. Owing to circumstances beyond our control,
the intended 2024 venue turned out to be unfeasible. Given that, AoIR is
very grateful to the Sheffield team for stepping up at short notice. In the
coming weeks, AoIR will issue a call for conference venue hosts for our
2025 and 2026 conferences, with the firm aim of reestablishing this
rotation of locations.

More information about Sheffield and our hosts is available here

Tama Leaver
AoIR President

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