[Assam] PC Ram found dead

Chan Mahanta cmahanta at charter.net
Sun Jul 1 05:56:26 PDT 2007

>One does not negotiate with terrorists and criminals.

*** Really? Maybe so. But WHO determines who should be given that 
label of 'terrorist' or  'criminal'? Can another terrorist or 
criminal apply it on somebody else ? Is it an ABSOLUTE standard, or 
is it something that varies, depending on the convenience of those 
who apply that label?

Take for example the case of Fatah. For decades Israel, the USA etc 
have called them TERRORISTS and treated them as such, killing them, 
imprisoning them. But right now both Israel and the US are embracing 
Fatah as the good folks. What gives? Convenience?  A good ploy to 
cement the rift between  Fatah and Hamas, both politically as well as 

Ronald Reagan declared the former Soviet Union the Evil Empire. But 
as as soon as the Communist regime fell, Russia became a friend. 
George Bush went to meet Putin, the former spook, looked into his 
eyes and saw his heart and declared it was in the right place.

Mandela was declared a terrorist both by South Africa as well as by 
Dick Cheney and his cronies, was imprisoned for decades. But now he 
is considered a great statesman.

Menachem Begin, the past Israeli PM, was declared a TERRORIST by the 
British. Later he was re-labeled a freedom- fighter and was accorded 
the veneration of a head of state.

So, one needs to look at the source from where  these labels come and 
judge them accordingly.

Should we accept Jyoti Sharma's  or Ram Sarangapani's labels as the 
ultimate truths?

Take a wild guess.

>  >I think you fail to understand what serious repercussion such 
>incidents can invite to Assamese people living in other Hindi 
>speaking states of India.
>Imagine an Assamese student/family being assaulted, killed in 
>Gaziabad. Who do you think will come to protect them?

*** First of all, let us assume  for a moment that the news that you 
posted is accurate. We will get to that later.  EVEN if it is true 
that PC Ram was killed by ULFA or whoever, does that make ALL 
Assamese GUILTY of the crime?  Is  that how Indian Civilization 
works?  And IF that is the SOURCE of applying such labels to ULFA  or 
whoever,  what is the VALUE of such labels?

Furthermore, if ALL Assamese are to be considered criminals by all 
these fine  Indians, WHY only the Hindi speaking ones? Why not 
Tamils, Telegus, Kannadas, Bengalis, Malayalis?  Don't they have 
empathy for the Hindi speaking victims?

Most of all, if India is a civilized nation with a rule of laws, why 
should the Assamese living in Hindi speaking states be afraid? Will 
you be afraid in Autralia, because Indian Hindu terrorists burnt the 
Aurstralian missionary , his wife and children alive? Can't the 
Assamese in Hindi speaking states depend upon equal protection of the 
great Indian democracy?

Or is that great Indian democracy is a myth?  That it is really ruled 
by terrorists of various kinds, as is amply demonstrated by recent 
events all across India?

>Well now that Army operations will be on a full scale let's see how 
>long it takes PCG to come out of >hibernation. Or has the PCG been 
>dismissed and another one formed by Mamoni?

*** That is certainly NEWS.   I had no idea that the army has not 
been operating in 'full scale'. What triggers full-scale operations 
rumored killing of  high Indian officials only?

Also I had no idea that  the PCG  or Mamoni had been hiding.  Even if 
they were, if the army goes on a rampage killing innocents, should 
they  remain  silent  as a penance for PC Ram's rumored killing?
Is this some kind of  a higher civilizational rung that only Indians 
have reached , and if the PCG is not there yet, they can be fair 
objects of ridicule and taunts from such intellectual titans  as 
Jyoti  Sharma?

*** Finally the veracity of  PC Ram's death from ULFA: Is this a 
Telegraph scoop or is it a verified fact?
Why I ask is that this particular rag has a track record of 
publishing rumors as facts. I will await further info. on it before 
*I* make my judgement.

At 11:12 AM +0800 7/1/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma wrote:
>>**** Why don't you tell us? Educate us?
>One does not negotiate with terrorists and criminals.
>I think you fail to understand what serious repercussion such 
>incidents can invite to Assamese people living in other Hindi 
>speaking states of India.
>Imagine an Assamese student/family being assaulted, killed in 
>Gaziabad. Who do you think will come to protect them?
>Well now that Army operations will be on a full scale let's see how 
>long it takes PCG to come out of hibernation. Or has the PCG been 
>dismissed and another one formed by Mamoni?
>On 01/07/2007, at 10:42 AM, Chan Mahanta wrote:
>>>Does the govt still need to talk with such groups? If yes, then 
>>>about what? I don't see Mr Bush sitting down with the Al-Qaeda 
>>>leaders to discuss Iraq or Mr Putin discussing Russia's future 
>>>with Cechen rebels. Why should India/Assam be any different?
>>**** Why don't you tell us? Educate us?
>>At 9:25 AM +0800 7/1/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma wrote:
>>>This incident and several others like these make me ashamed to say 
>>>that I am an Assamese. The ULFA and their cahoots have done 
>>>irreparable damage to Assam and Assamese. How does the ULFA 
>>>sympathizers spin this story now? Did they gain anything out of 
>>>this? Yes - scared the hell out of potential domestic and foreign 
>>>investors, tourists. Our boys and their intellectual colleagues 
>>>have done their very best to make Assam a Taliban country.
>>>Does the govt still need to talk with such groups? If yes, then 
>>>about what? I don't see Mr Bush sitting down with the Al-Qaeda 
>>>leaders to discuss Iraq or Mr Putin discussing Russia's future 
>>>with Cechen rebels. Why should India/Assam be any different?
>>>assam mailing list
>>>assam at assamnet.org
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