[Assam] Boon for Bio-fuels:Assam

DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS biku006 at yahoo.co.in
Tue Jul 10 09:16:03 PDT 2007

    Mr.MC Mahanta,
  Thanks lot. of course I am not Borah- Das( from saikia).
  Nahor or Mesua Fena(Botanical name) grows like that by default.So its a less space occupying tree as well decorative tree by nature.Only it grows in Assam.No need to re-shape.I tried in my assam home, but it goses back to it pride to talk about our those great kings.........Mir Jumla's ghost still might be thinking of that tragic flying fire...haaaa

mc mahant <mikemahant at hotmail.com> wrote:
      P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    Dr. Bikash Bora 's feeling of Oxomiya Pride in the glorious Nahowr is to be loudly echoed by all of us.Joii Nahowr!!
One point :
Coudn't something have been done like  restrictive tying of branches as Nahowr grows--- to create a true cone tip?
Most wild Nahowr in upper Assam are conical.

  Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:29:27 +0100
From: biku006 at yahoo.co.in
To: assam at assamnet.org
Subject: [Assam] Boon for Bio-fuels:Assam

  Axomiya ryze,
  Namaskar.I happen to come across a good article on Bio-fuel in Assam-what I was looking for long and kept writing to lot many research scientist too.Since I am not a scientist nor a big shot,things gone to the dustbin.Now since I saw here, I would like to request our Worlwide axomiya xamaj to think of it.
  Spacial thanks to Mr Dilip Deka.
  Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 07:05:54 -0700
From: dilipdeka at yahoo.com
To: assam at assamnet.org
Subject: [Assam] Boon For Biofuels
  Please have a look at the photos of Nahar tree, known as MESUA FENA in botanical term.This 2 pairs of tree was grown by me from the 2 seeds in 1974 after hearing the history of it at my fathers native village Jaljalee 5 km west of Mangaldai town.When I go home on leave/vaccations, I go and hug them with a promise to make world famous one fine day.Now I am 44 plus...So took these photos in 2006 June.As Mangaldai was the last kingdom of Chilarai dynasty,the morale of patriotism and warfare is more skilled.Jaljalee area or Mangal belongs to dare devils soldiers of koch kingdom that carry enchanting history live in mouth.(basically I am also from the General Saikia converted to Das when my father started writing in 1924.)
  The historic legend of Nahar( Mesua Fena )is:-While in Assam history as all know well that we never had guns.All was Daa,kuthar,Hengdang,Sword,jathi-ballam,Bow and arrows and guerilla fight at nights.While attacking the troops used to fix a dried Nahar seed( one seed got 2 parts or can say 2 seed) on the tip of arrow and light it with fire.It catches fire and like petrol bom of present, it hits the enemy huts/camp and catches fire.Or sometimes used to hit the enemy directly.
  Next was lighting up the kings home( as our kings never had a palace like the rest of India or world) with hundreds of Nahar seeds.the nahar trees was planted in large villages and still Darrang District(Old) got lot many villages called Naharbari( the forest of nahar).The seeds once dried in heavy sunlight and then they are ready to be used for months.Once they are lighted, they remain for long hours.
  I did that practically.Even till I left for military in 1982, I had a big bow and arrow made by my own hand with the traditional tribal way.So I know this practically and since then thinking of doing great for my loving Nahar- who had carried our great warrior forfathers name still.
  May I request all to find out what could be done to make either bio petrol or bio fuel with vanishing NAHAR TREE. Its very rare now to see this tree.
  Jai aii Axom.

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