September 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Sep 1 05:03:32 PDT 2011
Ending: Fri Sep 30 18:31:54 PDT 2011
Messages: 182
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Dr. Rasha Abdulla
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Dr. Rasha Abdulla
- [Air-L] tool for mapping outgoing links
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] Social Media Network Analysis session, RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology (Sydney 9 - 13 July, 2012)
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] International Conference & Workshop on University Web Rankings, Madrid, October 4th, 2011
Isidro F. Aguillo
- [Air-L] Pew Internet invites you to illuminate potential Internet evolution
Janna Anderson
- [Air-L] Call for Chapters - Online Credibility and Digital Ethos: Evaluating Computer-Mediated Communication (Proposals due October 15)
Shawn Apostel
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 86, Issue 30
Attwood, Feona
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
Daniela Artigas Avila
- [Air-L] HASTAC Scholars nominations - extensions granted!
Fiona Barnett
- [Air-L] HASTAC Scholar applications due - extensions granted
Fiona Barnett
- [Air-L] CFP: Marxism and New Media Conference, Duke University, January 20 & 21, 2012
Fiona Barnett
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Monica Barratt
- [Air-L] Socially-Mediated Publicness, a CFP
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Query re readings for course, "Gender, Information Technology, and Transnational Cultures"
Rena Bivens
- [Air-L] Gomorrah Streetview
David Boardman
- [Air-L] Computers and Popular Culture
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] Computers and Popular Culture
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] Award Announcement: PCA/ACA Award for Best Electronic Reference Site
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] New journal announcement: Case Studies in Strategic Communication
Brabham, Daren C
- [Air-L] men and the internet
Joana Brandão
- [Air-L] AoIR Ethics Guidelines Draft: Membership Comment and Review
Elizabeth Buchanan
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Elizabeth Buchanan
- [Air-L] Swinburne Design Perspectives Lectures now available online
Dan L. Burk
- [Air-L] Upcoming Symposium on Digital Religion
Heidi Campbell
- [Air-L] DML2012 CFP: "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World"
Gordon Carlson
- [Air-L] Australian remote hub for the UN Internet Governance Forum
Madeline Carr
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Steve Cavrak
- [Air-L] CFP: Computer Culture (SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference, February 8-11, 2012)
Andrew Shi-hwa Chen
- [Air-L] Bartle Test
Mark Chen
- [Air-L] Bartle Test
Mark Chen
- [Air-L] “Why Cyberbullying Rhetoric Misses the Mark"
Mark Chen
- [Air-L] CityCamp Minnesota - Call to local Net researchers - Nov. 12 U of M, Humphrey School
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Shelia Cotten
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Shelia Cotten
- [Air-L] CFP: Children's Periodicals panel
Patrick Cox
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
Mauro Câmara
- [Air-L] Fwd: Critical Perspectives on Addiction (CFP)
Jessie Daniels
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
Jessie Daniels
- [Air-L] men and the internet
Gavin Deady
- [Air-L] Men and the Internet
Gavin Deady
- [Air-L] Arizona Methods Workshops 2012
Jennifer S. Earl
- [Air-L] book of potential interest
Jennifer S. Earl
- [Air-L] Asst/Assoc position at MSU: Social Media/Social Computing
Nicole Ellison
- [Air-L] Computers and Popular Culture
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Facebook Group Research & Tools
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Opening the black box?
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] save the date: CATaC'12 - June 18-20, 2012 - Aarhus, Denmark
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Montathar Faraon
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Montathar Faraon
- [Air-L] Virtual University Collaboration October 27 and 28
Helen Farley
- [Air-L] Boston area: Shava Nerad on "What's in a name? Google+ and the #nymwars."
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 86, Issue 21
Abbe Forman
- [Air-L] Facebook Group Research & Tools
Andrea Forte
- [Air-L] web survey software/services
Jonas Fransson
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Swinburne Design Perspectives Lectures now available online
Ken Friedman
- [Air-L] Postdoc Research Position in Critical Studies of the Internet and the Information Society
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Facebook's New Privacy Policy (Version from September 7): What Has Changed?
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Submission Reminder CfP: Marx is Back - The Importance of Marxist Theory and Research for Critical Communication Studies Today
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] CFP: "City Youth and the Pedagogy of Participatory Media"
Antero Garcia
- [Air-L] Badges Competition: Call for Proposals
Sheryl Grant
- [Air-L] Badges 101 Webinar: Thursday, October 6 @ 3pm EST
Sheryl Grant
- [Air-L] [cultstud-l] Professionalization Website
Jonathan Gray
- [Air-L] Facebook Group Research & Tools
Kevin Guidry
- [Air-L] call for art works
Pelin Göçmen
- [Air-L] Special Issue Media and Migration: Learning in a globalized World
Haan, M.J. de (Mariette)
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Alex Halavais
- [Air-L] Netizen News:
Jay Hauben
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Jay Hauben
- [Air-L] CFP: Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2012, Vancouver BC
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Jacob Hecht
- [Air-L] Hotel Share at IR 12
Andrew Herman
- [Air-L] (no subject)
Hillis, Kenneth J
- [Air-L] Assistant Professor Position in Technology Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill
Hillis, Kenneth J
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals for Dupont Summit 2011
Michael Horka
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
Heather Horst
- [Air-L] Arab spring cites
Muzammil M. Hussain
- [Air-L] Arab spring cites
Muzammil M. Hussain
- [Air-L] CFP: "Crossmedia Innovations"
Indrek Ibrus
- [Air-L] PhD Studentship at University of Bath, UK: Online leadership
Adam Joinson
- [Air-L] Professionalization Website
Jonathan Sterne, Dr.
- [Air-L] Open position in Latin American and/or Latino studies and new media, etc.
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] Readings in semiotics/multimodality: Alternatives to Kress&Leeuwen?
Daniel Jung
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Dave Karpf
- [Air-L] Emerging Learning Design 2012 Conference - Call for Presentations
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] tool for mapping outgoing links
Anna Keshelashvili
- [Air-L] Reminder: Special Issue on [location] <location> {location; } Deadline 15-11-11
Dr David Kreps
- [Air-L] text for undergrad internet studies class
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] Positions in Comparative Media Studies at MIT
Holly Kruse
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
John Paul Laprise
- [Air-L] Twitter History
Guillaume Latzko-Toth
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Digital Crossroads: Media, Migration and Diaspora in a Transnational Perspective - Conference CFP
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] men and the internet
Ben Light
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: ISPR 2012
Matthew Lombard
- [Air-L] Call for participants - short media survey
Matthew Lombard
- [Air-L] PLEASE POST : Subjects needed for Fantasy Project
June Luchjenbroers
- [Air-L] CFP: iJETS Special Themed Edition *Deliberating Converging Technologies*
Sue Malta
- [Air-L] International Symposium on Digital Ethics
Cheryl Manley
- [Air-L] Social Media Collective research blog announcement
Alice Marwick
- [Air-L] CFP for Feminist Media Studies special issue "From Veiling to Blogging: Women and Media in the Middle East"
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] Query re readings for course, "Gender, Information Technology, and Transnational Cultures"
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] Query re readings for course, "Gender, Information Technology, and Transnational Cultures"
McLaughlin, Lisa M. Dr.
- [Air-L] Job Announcement: Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing
Eden Medina
- [Air-L] New Technologies
Bella Minw
- [Air-L] CFP: edited collection on Invisibility
Ravindra N. Mohabeer
- [Air-L] Take me off this list
Phoebe Moore
- [Air-L] DiGRA Nordic 2012 Call for Papers
Frans Mäyrä
- [Air-L] IR12: Deadline for reserving in the Renaissance Hotel (Sept. 26)
Karine Nahon
- [Air-L] men and the internet
Oded Nov
- [Air-L] Opening the black box?
Mathieu ONeil
- [Air-L] Rumour Mongering through New Media: Nigerial trailing the blaze
Wale Oni
- [Air-L] New book published on digital divides in Europe
Tsatsou P.
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Jim Parker
- [Air-L] Men and the Internet
Jim Parker
- [Air-L] IXmaps Pre-conf wksp IXmaps invite
Paterson, Nancy (Academic)
- [Air-L] Alternative to Kress & Leeuwen
Achterman Peg
- [Air-L] GigaNet Annual Symposium, 26 September 2011
Julia Pohle
- [Air-L] Alternative to Kress & Leeuwen
Liza Potts
- [Air-L] Web/CC Edition of *Good Faith Collaboration*
Joseph Reagle
- [Air-L] Faculty Promotions announced at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at Illinois
Reilly, Maeve J
- [Air-L] Call for Papers on Social Media, ESS 2012
PJ Rey
- [Air-L] Faculty position in Social Computing at UM School of Information
Soo Young Rieh
- [Air-L] Two Digital Media Assistant Professor Positions (UW-Madison)
Hernando Rojas
- [Air-L] CFP: Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice
Judd Ruggill
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals for an International Roundtable
Klaus Rummler
- [Air-L] Routledge Research and Internet Research 12.0
Salvago-Keyes,Felisa N.
- [Air-L] [ MINA ] call for Mobile Films & [ MINA ] call for Papers -
Max Schleser
Jan-Hinrik Schmidt
- [Air-L] Reading Communities from Salons to Cyberspace
DeNel Rehberg Sedo
- [Air-L] Recommendations on mobile (phone) tech books
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] Digital AlterNatives with a Cause? - out for free download
Nishant Shah
- [Air-L] International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo2011)
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] GNIP-Enabled PowerTrack for Twitter through
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Crowd Sourcing the bin Laden Tweets - Earn $25 while Enjoying a Few Chuckles (and helping me finish my presentation for AoIR 2011)
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] CFP Mobilities (Local and Mobile) conference 2012
Adriana de Souza e Silva
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 86, Issue 30
Jessica Sugimoto
- [Air-L] Famous Internet people *not* from North America
Sue Thomas
- [Air-L] Men and the Internet
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
Murray Turoff
- [Air-L] IRB and social media
Tuszynski, Stephanie
- [Air-L] New Media? – publication announcement
UG-Feldman, Zinaida
- [Air-L] Altman, 1981?
Javier Velasco
- [Air-L] CFP - Game Studies: 2012 PCA/ACA National Conference
Gerald Voorhees
- [Air-L] mobile books
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Egypt: The First Internet Revolt?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Alternative to Kress & Leeuwen
Lund Niels Windfeld
- [Air-L] CFP: Beyond Sports vs. Games workshop @ IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
E.K. Witkowski
- [Air-L] CfP IPSA - RC10 Electronic Democracy (new deadline)
Stephanie Wojcik
- [Air-L] [ciresearchers] Science fraud
Cristian Berrio Zapata
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: 'Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators' Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC2011)
Венцислав Жечев (Ventsislav Zhechev)
- [Air-L] Call for Participation: 'Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators' Third Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop (JEC2011)
Венцислав Жечев (Ventsislav Zhechev)
- [Air-L] AoIR Ethics Guidelines Draft: Membership Comment and Review
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] DML2012 CFP: "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World"
danah boyd
- [Air-L] Fwd: University of Colorado Boulder job ad
danah boyd
- [Air-L] Opening at University of Colorado, Boulder: Communications
danah boyd
- [Air-L] “Why Cyberbullying Rhetoric Misses the Mark"
danah boyd
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
simon collister
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 86, Issue 8
ilanadm at
- [Air-L] men and the internet
natalya godbold
- [Air-L] FW: [JoCI] Special Double Issue: The Internet and Community Informatics in Brazil
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Fwd: College Lecturer (Assistant Professor) positions at SILS, UCD
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] cfp cultures in virtual worlds
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
gilda at
- [Air-L] Internet conference september 8, 9, Chicago area,
gene loeb
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
paolo massa
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
- [Air-L] Social media and Drug Cartel reactions
- [Air-L] Arab spring & social media evidence
- [Air-L] social media & latin america
- [Air-L] Arab spring cites
- [Air-L] Social Media and Latin America sites, Part I
- [Air-L] Social Media and Latin America, Part II
- [Air-L] tenure line digital and social media hire (apps due 10 October)
- [Air-L] Call for Registrations "MobilityShifts: An International Future of Learning Summit"
trebor scholz
- [Air-L] Professor Stuart Moulthrop Public Lecture, Melbourne Oct 10
belinda at
- [Air-L] Fwd: College Lecturer (Assistant Professor) positions at SILS, UCD
timriley at
- [Air-L] Bartle Test
katie vizenor
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 18:31:54 PDT 2011
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 14:02:50 PDT 2024
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