October 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Oct 1 04:26:35 PDT 2013
Ending: Thu Oct 31 13:33:39 PDT 2013
Messages: 172
- [Air-L] CASPAR BOWDEN: How the Cloud became a privacy Guantanamo
Andrew Hoskins
- [Air-L] Assistant Professor in Digital Media
Jonathan Lillie
- [Air-L] Microsoft Research, Social Media Collective Postdoc Opening
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] Interdisciplinary Ada Lovelace Conference Reminder (Stevens Inst. of Tech. 10/18/13)
- [Air-L] Job Opening at Bentley University (Waltham, MA) in Writing
Benjamin Aslinger
- [Air-L] Ada Conference Revised Link
- [Air-L] Job Announcement: Assistant Professor at Elon University
Qian Xu
- [Air-L] McLuhan in the age of the Internet
Paul Levinson
- [Air-L] Coursebook for visual rhetoric
Daniel Jung
- [Air-L] Connecting Badges Project: What online communities inspire you? (Survey)
Sheryl Grant
- [Air-L] Fwd: PhD scholarship opportunity
Tom Boellstorff
- [Air-L] Cfp: Journalists on social networking sites
Nikos Smyrnaios
- [Air-L] ICA Preconference: Making Sense of Memory & History. May 22, 2014. CFP and more.
Park, David
- [Air-L] Job openings at Temple's journalism department
Brian Creech
- [Air-L] Global Media Journal Australia Special issue: Communication Technology and Social Life
Jonathan Marshall
- [Air-L] CFP: Oxford book series on Studies in Mobile Communication (OPEN)
Richard.Ling at telenor.com
- [Air-L] Berkman Center Accepting Fellowship Applications for the 2014-2015 Academic Year
Rebecca Tabasky
- [Air-L] Digital Methods, Ethical Challenges: Symposium hosted by Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Emad khazraee
- [Air-L] DC area event for people involved in online research
Casey Tesfaye
- [Air-L] The University of Maryland iSchool Welcomes PhD Applications in New Media, Learning Technologies, and Education
June Ahn
- [Air-L] Online focus group?
Jonathan Lillie
- [Air-L] Online focus group?
Tony Ratcliffe
- [Air-L] D.I.Y. Accessibility Communities
Jerry Lamont Robinson
- [Air-L] D.I.Y. Accessibility Communities
- [Air-L] D.I.Y. Accessibility Communities
Bloch, Naomi
- [Air-L] D.I.Y. Accessibility Communities
Meryl Alper
- [Air-L] NYU/MCC Job Ad Posting
Kelly Boudreau
- [Air-L] Faculty opening: Asst Prof of STS, Stevens Institute of Technology
Andrew Russell
- [Air-L] Call for papers: Digital Humanities: Now and beyond
Ditte Laursen
- [Air-L] Two announcements from ICA Game Studies Interest Group: Call for papers + reviewers + preconference proposals
Nicholas Bowman
- [Air-L] Hotel at IR14
Kathie Gossett
- [Air-L] Pratt Institute, NYC, Assistant Professor in Computing and Emerging Information Technologies
Anthony Cocciolo
- [Air-L] Assoc. of Amer. Geographers CFP: Digital Geographies, Geographies of Digitalia
Jen Jack Gieseking
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
David Crowley
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
William Dutton
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media"Module
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
dan mcquillan
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
William Dutton
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
Robert W. Gehl
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
chris badowski
- [Air-L] Ideas for topics for "Emerging Technology in New Media" Module
Greg Wise
- [Air-L] A Global Research Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age
S.Livingstone at lse.ac.uk
- [Air-L] New Coders Needed - Label Text for Cash
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] New Coders Needed - Label Text for Cash
Radhika G
- [Air-L] available positions: Temple University Media Studies & Production dept
Jan Fernback
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 111, Issue 7
Nareshchandra Rai
- [Air-L] Assistant Professor of New Media/Media Production at UNC-Chapel Hill
Hillis, Ken
- [Air-L] CFP AAG 2014: Alternative Computation and Unconventional Spaces
Joe Eckert
- [Air-L] FW: The Organisation of the Organisationless - Talks in Digital Culture: #1 - Oct 21 - 6pm - K0.20 King's College, Strand Campus
Jordan, Timothy
- [Air-L] HELP REQUIRED: Survey on Substance Abuse
Ismael Peña-López
- [Air-L] Funded Ph.D. positions at UT Austin available for study of Information Work
James Howison
- [Air-L] new research lab on big data methods and data journalism
Stefania Milan
- [Air-L] CFP: Case Studies in Strategic Communication
Daren Brabham
- [Air-L] Women, Work, and the Web Anthology Call
Carol Smallwood
- [Air-L] [CFP] ICA - KACA 2014
Lee, Sunny
- [Air-L] Samples sizes at IR14
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Big Data techniques
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Big Data techniques
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Stine Gotved
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Kyle Kontour
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Nancy Baym
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] IR14 and the political situation
Mark D. Johns
- [Air-L] Save the date - first CFP: =?ISO-8859-1?B?Q2FUYUO5MTQ=?=: Culture, Technology, Communication - Oslo, June 15-18, 2014
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Internet Censorship, Filtering and Blocking in Pakistan - A very strong take on the issue
Fouad Bajwa
- [Air-L] The Institute of Network Cultures presents: MoneyLab--Coining Alternatives
Geert Lovink
- [Air-L] Fwd: [IAMCR] New publication on contested internet governance
jeremy hunsinger
- [Air-L] Screening Scholarship Media Festival - Submissions Open Until 10/15
Veena Vasudevan
- [Air-L] PRism Special Issue CFP: 'Fandom, Brands and Public Relations'
Amber Hutchins
- [Air-L] CFP: Navigating a Networked Death (ICA panel)
Tamara Kneese
- [Air-L] IR14 extra sightseeing
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Denver and the area: local view
Janet Salmons, Ph.D.
- [Air-L] Blogging AOIR Denver
Janet Salmons, Ph.D.
- [Air-L] Reminder - upcoming deadline, PhD workshop on researching the sociable self - Oslo, Nov. 27-28
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] Side Job for a Media Researcher /Ethnographer based in Moscow
Goetz Bachmann
- [Air-L] Side Job for a Media Researcher /Ethnographer based in Moscow
Seyed Javad
- [Air-L] Award Announcement: PCA Electronic Reference Award
Paul Booth
- [Air-L] Call for Proposals: Participatory City 2014
Medialab-Prado Comunicación
- [Air-L] Fwd: [SWS-L:413] Call for panelists - feminist online pedagogy
Dianna Fielding
- [Air-L] CFP: Digital Technologies and Social Transformations: What Role for Critical Theory?
Delia Dumitrica
- [Air-L] call for book chapter
- [Air-L] Call for Issue Editor - Assembled
Tzafnat Shpak
- [Air-L] Faculty Position in English at Rochester Institute of Technology
Amit Ray
- [Air-L] CFP: History of Modernity and Telephony in the non-West
Vit Sisler
- [Air-L] CFP: ICA Pre-Conference on “Media and Religion"-Philosophy, Theory and Critique Division
Heidi Campbell
- [Air-L] Vacant position: Project Leader DIGHUMLAB DENMARK
Niels Brügger
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Jen Jack Gieseking
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Jen Jack Gieseking
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest etc
Shulman, Stuart
- [Air-L] Conference: Society of the Query #2, November 7-8, 2013, Amsterdam
René König
- [Air-L] Monitoring tags - a quick note on the unmonitorable
MC Cambre
- [Air-L] Call for Papers for ICA Preconference on Sharing
Nicholas John
- [Air-L] ASIST '13> SIG-SI Symposium Final Schedule
Howard Rosenbaum
- [Air-L] Study on quality and pedagogical guidelines for Open Educational Resources (OER) use in higher education
Lee, Mark
- [Air-L] CfP - International Symposium on Media Innovations (ISMI) 2014 - University of Oslo - April 24-25
Charles Ess
- [Air-L] FWD: Call for Contributions: International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly conference
Grotke, Abigail
- [Air-L] USEC'14 Workshop on Usable Security
Seda Guerses
- [Air-L] GIGANET Symposium
John Paul Laprise
- [Air-L] Final Programme, 8th GigaNet Symposium
Francesca Musiani
- [Air-L] Please forward widely: Please join us for the 4th Annual Arizona Methods Workshops!
Earl, Jennifer Suzanne - (jenniferearl)
- [Air-L] 2012 presidential campaign websites
Jason Archer
- [Air-L] 2012 presidential campaign websites
Burns, Christopher S
- [Air-L] 2012 presidential campaign websites
Devayani Tirthali
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
jose marichal
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Megan Glenwright
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Kyle Kontour
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Alex Leavitt
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Kelly Bergstrom
- [Air-L] Reddit Downvotes
Nick Seaver
- [Air-L] Call for papers on initiatives or research for the Digital Discrimination and Social Networks International Conference, Barcelona 2014
Jj Pedregosa
- [Air-L] CfP - 12th Chinese Internet Research Conference
Herold, David [APSS]
- [Air-L] Re-Configuring the Immune System - 14th November - Goldsmiths College
Elinor Carmi
- [Air-L] Georgia Tech Job Opening
Celia Pearce (Georgia Tech)
- [Air-L] 2nd call for papers: 1984: Freedom and Censorship in the Media – Where Are We Now?
Mark Mckenna
- [Air-L] CFP Doctoral Workshop in connection to M4D conference Dakar Senegal 2014
Jakob Svensson
- [Air-L] Call: CSCW' 14 workshop “Quick & Dirty: Lightweight Methods for Heavyweight Research”
Nicholas Weber
- [Air-L] Looking for a theory--traditional + new media = ?
Ryan S Eanes
- [Air-L] Looking for a theory--traditional + new media = ?
Jane Oak
- [Air-L] Looking for a theory--traditional + new media = ?
Richard Berry
- [Air-L] CFP: Feminism and Social Media Research Workshop at CSCW 2014
Libby Hemphill
- [Air-L] Professor (Open Rank) of Digital Journalism - USC-Annenberg
Daren Brabham
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 111, Issue 21
Julian Hopkins
- [Air-L] EXTENDED DEADLINE – Hashtag Publics Collection (Nov 30)
Dr. Nathan Rambukkana
- [Air-L] Call for Authors/Editors - Bloomsbury's Approaches to Digital Game Studies book series
Gerald Voorhees
- [Air-L] Programme - Rencontres DEL 2013
Simon Gadras
- [Air-L] Latest issue and Call for Papers: International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera
- [Air-L] Tenure-Track Faculty Position @ UMD iSchool
Brian Butler
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and communication technologies?
Robert W. Gehl
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and communication technologies?
michael_muller at us.ibm.com
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and communication technologies?
Leurs, K.H.A. (Koen)
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and communication technologies?
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and communication technologies?
Sun Sun LIM
- [Air-L] Historical Twitter Data Raffle
Stuart Shulman
- [Air-L] Trying to identify a source for a quote on apps & the internet...
S Goodman
- [Air-L] Feminist STS and Communication Technologies: Air-L Digest, Vol 111, Issue 23
Irish, Sharon Lee
- [Air-L] IR14 book launch: Twitter and Society
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] CfP - Summer School ICT4Democracy - New Delhi, India
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- [Air-L] NMS & MMC open during AoIR
Steve Jones
- [Air-L] (Deadline reminder) CFP: The Digital Future of Education (International Review of Information Ethics)
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] EXTENDED - CFP: The Digital Future of Education (International Review of Information Ethics)
Michael Zimmer
- [Air-L] CFP: Computer Culture (SWPACA Conference, February 19-22, 2014) (Second Notice)
Andrew Shi-hwa Chen
- [Air-L] Fan Studies Network 2013 Symposium Programme
Bertha Chin
- [Air-L] Call for Contributors - First Person Scholar
Gerald Voorhees
- [Air-L] Digital Civic Engagement and Democracy Literature Review
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci14), June 23-26, 2014
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
- [Air-L] Come to MSU!
Shelia Cotten
- [Air-L] Special Assistantship Jrnl of Information Policy
Richard Denny Taylor
- [Air-L] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Captioned relay service for the hearing impaired
gene loeb
- [Air-L] [ciresearchers] Captioned relay service for the hearing impaired
gene loeb
- [Air-L] F/T Term Position in Digital Media Studies @ the University of San Francisco
Elisabeth Jay Friedman
- [Air-L] CFP: PG/early career workshop on Citizen Media in Russia and Eastern Europe, China and the Arab World
Adi Kuntsman
- [Air-L] Segmenting and annotating discussion forum communication
Jenny Myrendal
- [Air-L] Segmenting and annotating discussion forum communication
Taylor-Smith, Ella
- [Air-L] 3. Digital Civic Engagement and Democracy Literature Review (Steven Clift) Air-L Digest, Vol 111, Issue 26
tania arriaga-azkarate
- [Air-L] Drexel University College of Computing & Informatics Accepting Applications for Faculty Positions
- [Air-L] German conf/intl iSchool conf
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Graduate student conference in Baltimore, MD; April 12, 2014
Satarupa Joardar
- [Air-L] CFP: Designing Futures for P2P Learning, a CSCW '14 workshop
Peyina Lin
- [Air-L] Further call for papers on broadband development
Matthew Allen
- [Air-L] CFP: Digital work, digital life: European Conference on Information Systems
Yoram Kalman
- [Air-L] CFP: Digital work, digital life: European Conference on Information Systems
- [Air-L] CFP: Digital work, digital life: European Conference on Information Systems
Yoram Kalman
- [Air-L] International Conference on 'Crony Journalism: Redefining Journalistic Practices' on 18-19 January, 2014 at the Centre for Journalism & Mass Communication, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India
Mausumi Bhattacharyya
- [Air-L] A social media case for your braaaains!
Daren Brabham
- [Air-L] Emerald Studies in Media and Communications
Shelia Cotten
- [Air-L] Armstrong Professor in Games and Digital Media @ Miami University
Porter, James
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 13:33:39 PDT 2013
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:37:57 PDT 2024
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